What’s happening at Acupuncture Torbay ?
This is my news page for present and prospective patients
News, well…….Covid – 19! What can I say? I am a ‘Healthcare Facility’ so can stay open. This has been confirmed by the Council’s Environmental Health Department. In some ways this is not good for me because if I had to close I could claim a grant which is more than I usually earn! I am also now at risk from anyone who brings Covid in to my Clinic. On the other side, I have Patients with Cancer, Stroke, Mental Health problems so want to support them. I also have Patients who work within the NHS so want to keep them working. It is a weird time, because the NHS is on the verge of collapse and the local GP Clinics don’t want to see people, many are turning to me for help. Even people who are needle phobic.
This reminds me of the time just after the Communist Revolution in China. They considered Acupuncture old fashioned and out of date, although it evolved over 2,000 years. So banned it. The Chinese wanted ‘Modern’ medicine. After a few years, everyone was getting ill, the ‘Modern’ medicine Practitioners couldn’t cope and the crops were failing because the Farmers were ill. The Communist party then had a big conference on re-introducing Acupuncture but a more ‘modern’ form.
The idea was to take away any references to the ‘spirit’ or Shen. Not allowing Acupuncturists to talk about the Five Elements and how they influenced the body. A Committee formed to design a new ‘streamlined’ form of Acupuncture that is now called (Traditional Chinese Medicine) TCM which is strange because it is not traditional. I do use TCM and do find it effective but I am also trained in the older Five Element style. TCM has been used in China ever since and was vital to keep the economy going. In fact they used Acupuncture a lot to treat Covid in Chinese hospitals and this was how they got rid of it so quickly.
Modern situation
We now have a parallel situation. ‘Modern’ medicine cannot cope and is overwhelmed by demand, Acupuncturists are having to man the pumps to keep the health system afloat. I don’t mind but I was getting very feed up of some Doctors and the NHS telling me there is little evidence that Acupuncture works. That is wrong there is lots of evidence published in reserch papers, it is just that people employed by the Pharmaceutical companies are doing their best to ‘trash’ it. Why do Doctors, Dentists, Physios Etc want to learn Acupuncture if it doesn’t work? They have the utmost cheek to call us ‘lay’ people after all of the training we do! A Physio who does an Acupuncture course for three weekends is NOT an Acupuncturist. Someone who does not understand Chinese medicine theory is not an Acupuncturist.
It is of utmost importance that the two go together. I can look at someone’s tongue and feel their pulses and tell what is wrong with them, then plan a treatment. If you take away the theory, you may as well stick needles anywhere! It is a coherent and very effective system.
I am also an Electronics Engineer and have a ‘science’ background. I don’t accept things easily but, on the whole Acupuncture works. After 25 years, I am still impressed by it. I just wish that Pharmaceutical companies and the NHS would see that we all have common aims. The good of our Patients. I am very willing to send Patients back to their Doctors if they need it or I think ‘Western’ medicine can do them more good. Why can’t they do the same for us?
An example is Cancer. I doubt whether Acupuncture can cure Cancer but I know for certain, we can help people suffering from the treatments used to cure it. Why are Acupuncturists not employed in the hospital Cancer unit? The same goes for Strokes and much more. Sorry, after 25 years it is frustrating! I volunteered to treat Covid patients in the Hospital and was told that it is ‘inappropriate’. To me that is absurd and very short sighted.
Hmmm, I didn’t mean this to be a rant!
I have noticed the amount of influence a campaigning group called ‘Sense about science’ are having on the government. They are trying to destroy Complementary therapies especially Homeopathy it seems. Their ‘evidence’ is so flawed, they insist on having Placebo Controlled Trials for Acupuncture research but what do you use as a Placebo? You cannot pretend to insert Acupuncture needles and if you do, they must be away from Acupuncture points or you are still influencing the process.
This is setting back the NHS and NICE years because they are saying that they don’t recommend Acupuncture for back pain whereas they did previously! There is tons of good research on Acupuncture and Back Pain but because they don’t use a placebo then NICE will not accept the research. Half of my work is treating Back Pain and the vast amount is successful if it wasn’t I couldn’t stay in business. Here is a good article about Sense about Science. LINK to article. I have noticed that one of their Trustees is CEO of the British Pharmacological Society, glad there is no biase!!
On a personal note, I am now trained as a Sub Aqua Diver, this is so I can continue my work, helping my Brother in Seahorse conservation. I am a volunteer Diver for the Seahorse Trust

Best wishes and hope to see you soon,